Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hudson River Overnight Trip 04-07-10

April started out very warm this year which gave us some great early season river days. We took advantage of the weather and did an overnight trip on the Hudson from Newcomb to North River. We rafted 24 miles in two days and camped at the Hudson-Cedar confluence.

The crew ready to launch.

It was quite foggy the first day, luckily no big rapids either.
Here's Nate and Ellie in the fog.

Here's Eric and Sara in the fog.

Camp when we arrive.

Residential zone of camp.

The kitchen overlooking the Hudson and Cedar Rivers.

Ellie is the first one ready to go on Day 2.

Eric and Sara in Kettle Mountain Rapid.

The paddle crew and a gear boat.

Ellie loves the calm stretches where she can take her PFD off.